A shrineroad to know the heavens
The three roads of Sanmu are "shrine, dance, and martial arts."
Martial arts in Korean are pronounced "무도 ・ mudo". Each of the three, shrine, dance, and martial arts, has the same pronunciation as "무도, mud ."
"Sanmu no Michi (San 무도)" means three things, shrine, dance, and martial arts, and means the three years of heaven, people, and earth. Three years old is one of the Eastern thoughts common to the three oriental countries of China, South Korea, and Japan.
"Shadow" to know the heavens
The first of "Sanmu" is "Wu-do" to know the heavens. Since it is a way to respect and love the heavens, it has the same meaning as "love heaven." One of the first basic movements learned in WonHwaDo, "Rotating Offense and Defense," began with 비손 (Pison, prayer).
Han Bong gi Sect
"The founder of WonHwaDo was not me, it was from the time when we started Pison (prayer), an act of our people rubbing both hands and praying to heaven." Is said.
At the beginning and end of the day, the week, January, and the beginning and end of the year, open the gates of heaven, open your heart, pray for remorse, gratitude, and prayers while praying to heaven with your hands together. I have dedicated it.
The prayers of the ancient Yuan tribe (Korean people) took the heavens as a sword and rubbed their palms together in a circle, shaking their bodies back and forth or left and right to pray.
This prayer (Pison) gradually grows in shape and becomes a movement named "Rotating Offense and Defense". This rotation offense and defense is the most important basic technique in WonHwaDo.
Rotational offense and defense consists of upper-stage rotary offense and defense from bottom to top and lower-stage rotary offense and defense from top to bottom.
The rotational movement that starts from the position of the waist toward the top goes up in a perfect circle to the top of the head. Furthermore, when descending from overhead, the movement of the elbow is added and it becomes an ellipse and returns to the position of the waist. This is the upper rotation offense and defense, and the action of drawing a similar circular pattern and rotating while going from top to bottom in the opposite direction is called the lower rotation offense and defense. The pattern of this movement becomes a "Taiji circle" in one rotation, and the pattern that combines the right and left hands becomes exactly the "Taiji".
The most important thing in this rotation offense and defense is to unify the mind and body with "Ki" in mind. Rotational offense and defense draws a soft, round circle across the arm along the path of the human body's air veins. Depending on the position of the "hand", the power of Ki goes around the whole body from Shimotanda to Nakatanda and Uetanda. WonhwaDo is a martial art that "kneads" Ki, and is a shrine that is one with Heavenly Ki.

At WonhwaDo Renbukan, one of the dojo lessons is "Aiten, Mistress, Patriotism". Each of these is also familiar with "shrine, dance, and martial arts." WonHwaDo is a martial art that loves heaven, loves people, and loves the country. And all of that begins with your own "unification of mind and body."
The training place is a dojo for uniting the mind and body. Originally, a training place with abundant nature with forests, rivers, mountains and the sea is suitable for a dojo.
In addition, we will meditate before and after training for "unification of mind and body". Through deep and quiet meditation, you can feel "heavenly ki" in your mind and body and realize it in the deep world of mind (spiritual world). By uniting the mind and body, the mind and body communicate with the heavens, with people, and with the earth, the ideal of oneness of God and human love is achieved.
WonhwaDo's training dojo becomes a sacred time and place to enlighten the heavenly spirit, obey the heavenly spirit, and devote the mind and body to heaven. Therefore, we need to be thankful to heaven, to be thankful to others, to be thankful to the earth, and to be grateful. WonHwaDo Dojo is a place to learn etiquette.

Dangun myth
Once upon a time, Hwanin (another name for 환인, Fanin, Kanin, and Teishakuten), who lived in the kingdom of heaven, was concerned about the human world under heaven.
Hwanung (환웅, Fanun, Kanyu), who was the prince of Hwanung, became interested in the human world, so Hwanung gave Hwanung three cheonbuins, which are proof of being the son of heaven. Under the god tree at the top of Mt. Taihaku (currently called Mt. I ruled for more than 360 years.
Well, at one point, a tiger and a bear lived together in a cave. The tiger and bear wanted to be human and appealed to Hwanung. Hwanung gave a handful of mugwort and 20 garlic to the two animals, saying, "If you don't eat this and see the sun for 100 days, you'll be human." I said.
However, the tiger couldn't stand it and couldn't throw it out and become a human. However, the bear kept the word and changed to a beautiful woman "Kumajo" on the 21st day. The bear, who became a woman, continued to pray every day under the shrine tree to give birth to a child. Upon seeing it, Hwanung turned into a man, married a bear woman, and had a child. This child is Dangun (단군, Tangun, Dangun).
Dangun made Pyongyang the capital in 2333 BC and called the country name Korea. It is an ancient Korean word for where the sun rises.
The name Gojoseon was decided by Taejo of Joseon (이성계, King Taejong). Since the founder of Joseon (1392-1910) built the Joseon dynasty, Dangun's Korea was later called Gojoseon to distinguish between the two.
It is said that Dangun ruled Korea for 1500 years, entered the mountain of Asadal, and became the god of the mountain. He was 1908 at that time.
Buyeo Country Founding myth
There is the following description in the "Ryohei" Kichiken Hen.
"Once upon a time, there was a Takri Kingdom (Takri Koku, 고리국, Koriku) in Hokusho. The king had made a maid pregnant, so she tried to kill her. A spirit like that came down to me and I was pregnant. ”The king was deceived.
After that she gave birth to a boy. The king ordered him to leave it in the piggery, but he didn't die because the pigs breathed. The next time he moved to the stable, the horse also breathed. The king thought that it was the work of God, and he took it over to his mother and fed it, and named it Tomei.
For a long time, Tomei was skillful in riding a horse and shooting a bow, and was ferocious, so the king was afraid that Tomei would rob his country and tried to kill him again. Tomei fled the country, ran south to the water, and shot the surface of the river with a bow, and fish and soft-shelled turtles emerged and were able to ride, and Tomei was Buyeo's. He reached the earth and became a king. "
In "Weisho" and "Samguk Sagi", Jumong, the founder of Goguryeo, is also from Buyeo, and there is a story about the founding of Goguryeo by leading the people and escaping from Buyeo toward the southeast.
In "Samguk Yusa" and "Samguk Yusa", the sun god Hae Mo-su (also known as 해모수, Hemos, and Jumong's father) came down after King Buru of Buyeo (해부루 ・ Heburu) ruled. Therefore, it is said that Buru of Buyeo moved to the east and built another country (Eastern Buyeo).
According to Goguryeo's founding tale, Jumong, the founder, was born by the daughter of Hebo (Yuhwa Yuhwa) in the sunlight and grew up being fed by Buyeo, but he was hated by the princes, so he persecuted him. It is said that he avoided it and escaped to the south and built Goguryeo.
Buyeo, Goguryeo, and Baekje's founding legends are in complete agreement in the composition of persecution and escape in the country where the ancestors of each country were born, and becoming king in a new land across the taiga. Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla are considered to be sibling nations that have divided blood starting from the same Buyeo.
Buyeo was destroyed by Mokkitsu in Taiwa 18 (494). Nakichi was a hunting people who lived in the Manchuria region from the north of Goguryeo during the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, and is thought to have lived in the area from the present Matsuhana River to Changbai Mountain. It is a descendant of Sushen and Yilou, and the predecessor of Mohe in the Tang dynasty.

文化財庁と同博物館によると、直指は1377年(高麗時代)、忠清北道(チュンチョンブクト)・ 清州の興徳寺で金属活字で刊行され、上下の2冊になっているとされる。